Leaving the beaches to the locals
(English version below) Det blev til lidt af en praktisk hjemmehyggedag, hvor der blev vasket tøj det meste af formiddagen. Spillet/læst...
Leaving the beaches to the locals
Mortelliccio - exploring the besches
The local Beach - Day 21
Piombino & Beach - Day 20
Who needs sunscreen? - Day 19
Arrival of grandma and great-grandma
Lunch with the locals and some friends! - Day 17
Last Day at Lago de Garda
Grotta Cascada Varone - Day 15
Lovely summer day in Cisano
First real weather challenge - Day 13
Bardolino and bathing - Day 12
First Paddleboard Attempt - Day 11
Driving through the San Bernardino mountain pass - Day 10
Farewell concert - Day 9
Rodelbahn i Schweiz - Day 8
Liechtenstein - Day 7
Lünersee - dæmning - Day 6
Wasserfall Burserschlucht exploration - Day 5
Ankomst til Østrig/Arrival Austria