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Grotta Cascada Varone - Day 15


(English version below)

I dag var vi blevet lokket mod det nordligste af Gardasøen - en lidt lang tur på ca halanðen time, men super smukt at køre langs søens kyst hele vejen. Første destination var Grotta Cascada Varone, som er en grotte udformet af et vandfald gennem tusinder af år. Der stod godt nok at vi skulle købe ‘ponchos’ eller regnjakker på vej ind, men vi tænkte turistfælde og det tørre nok hurtigt igen. Man havde mulighed for at blive rigtig våd, men for det meste støvregnede det bare en smugle når man gik rundt derinde. Imponerende og spændende at se, dog også vældigt populært.

Det var Sara’s moster Nene, der havde lokket os på de kanter og vi rundede også deres gade og lokale bar, for lige at se hvor de plejer at høre til. Håber det kan passe en anden gang at vi fanger jer ‘on location’ :-) Uanset, så takker vi for oplevelserne i jeres “by”.

Inden den flotte tur tilbage måtte vi også runde Lago di Tenno, som er en bjergsø ovenfor vandfaldet. Smukt tyrkisblåt vand i flotte omgivelser, dog var vandet til den køligere side, så det blev til en kortere dukkert for nogle og så retur, så der kunne nås en sidste dukkert tilbage på campingpladsen.

Today, we were lured towards the northernmost part of Lake Garda - a slightly long drive of about an hour and a half, but absolutely stunning to drive along the lake's coast the whole way. Our first destination was Grotta Cascata Varone, a cave formed by a waterfall over thousands of years. It said that we should buy "ponchos" or rain jackets on the way in, but we thought it might be a tourist trap and that it would dry up quickly anyway. While there was a chance to get really wet, it mostly just drizzled a bit as we walked around inside. It was impressive and exciting to see, although quite popular as well.

It was Sara's aunt Nene who had lured us to that area, and we also visited their street and the local bar to get a glimpse of where they usually spend their time. Hopefully, we'll catch you "on location" next time :-) Regardless, we thank you for the experiences in your town.

Before the beautiful journey back, we also made a stop at Lago di Tenno, a mountain lake above the waterfall. It had stunning turquoise blue water in beautiful surroundings, although the water was on the cooler side, so some of us had a quick dip and then returned, so that we could have one last swim back at the campsite as well before dinner.

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