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Tennis scramble and Krka National Park


Det var en god lang dag i går og der var derfor forskellig appetit til endnu en dag med udflugt, så Sara og Kenneth fik lov til at køre i Krka National Park om eftermiddagen. Vi startede dog alle formiddagen samlet ved tennisbanerne, efter morgenmaden. Ketchereen gik lidt på skift og alle fik prøvet deres skills! Der er dog (endnu) ikke så store talenter at det bliver til kampe, men sjovt at få bolden nogle gange frem og tilbage over nettet.

Efterfølgende var der dømt ‘dukkert’ for her er tæt på 30 grader. Børnene fik en time mere på det oppustelige vandland og gav den fuld gas indtil de blev fløjtet op af vandet igen efter de 60 minutter vi havde betalt for. Dagens highlight (for børnene) var at vælte moren i vandet på den lidt glatte overflade af vandlandet hun havde krøbet op på, for ikke at skulle ligge og træde vande i flere timer. De var færdige af grin når det lykkedes dem i fællesskab at skubbe ‘hvalen’ i vandet :-)

Om eftermiddagen blev der spist pizza, spillet Rummikubb og 500, samt hygget en masse i mormor og morfars lejlighed, mens Sara og Kenneth kørte mod nationalparken.

Den lå ikke langt væk og der var flere indgange at vælge imellem. Vi ville gerne gå en tur, så vi valgte en af de sydlige indgange (ved Lozovac). Her kunne man gratis sætte bilen ved billetkontoret og uden kø, få fat i billetter. Herefter blev vi til vores overraskelse ledt hen til en bus, der kunne tage os ned til vandfaldet. Vi spurgte hvor langt der var og det var lige under 1 km… det mente vi nok at vi godt kunne gå :-) Det gjorde vi så, men det var så tilpas stejlt at vi begge havde småkræmpe i læggene da vi kom ned! Her var der en dame ved en informationstavle, der fortalt at hvis vi gerne ville gå tur skulle vi tage vores bil og køre op til en nordligere indgang. Indgangen var betalt… Nu var vi her så vi ville lige se os omkring inden vi bare kørte videre og det er vi glade for at vi gjorde. Der var lavet en kilometer lang trægangsti mellem mange niveauer af vandfald og små vandløb, hvor vi endte med at gå rundt i flere timer. Helt utroligt smukt og som altid lidt øredøvende når man er tæt på store vandfald. Der var en lille smule regnskovsagtigt fugtigt på dele af ruten, hvor der var masser af sommerfugle og fisk. Vi så heldigvis ingen af de andre dyr, der også bor på disse egne, såsom et væld af mindre slanger! Bortset fra at man desværre ikke måtte svømme i det lokkende klare vand, var det en fantastik eftermiddag.

På vej tilbage blev der ledt efter support til campingbatteriet (vi fandt et sted vi skal tilbage til i morgen) og handlet ind til aftensmad i et større supermarked. Tilbage mod campingpladsen ramte vi vippebroens åbning ud til øen vi bor på. Sjovt nok at se alle de både der skulle igennem, men havde vi kendt til tidspunket havde vi nok valgt at bruge den halve time et andet sted! Vi sluttede dagen af med en rolig aften i vognen :-)

It was another enjoyable and eventful day. To start the morning, everyone gathered at the tennis courts after breakfast. Rackets were shared, and everyone got to try their hand at playing. While not quite championship material, it was still fun to get the ball going back and forth over the net.

Afterward, it was time for a dip as the temperature was pushing 30 degrees Celsius. The children got another hour at the inflatable water park and gave it their all until they were called out of the water after the 60 minutes we had paid for. The highlight of the day for the kids was successfully toppling their mother into the water from the slightly slippery surface of the water park. She had crawled up there to avoid treading water for hours. Their laughter was contagious when they managed to push her into the water together.

In the afternoon, there was pizza, Rummikub, 500 card games, and a lot of relaxation in grandma and grandpa's apartment while Sara and Kenneth headed to the national park.

The park wasn't far away, and there were multiple entrances to choose from. Opting for a walking tour, they selected one of the southern entrances (at Lozovac). Here, parking was free near the ticket office, and without waiting in line, they obtained tickets. To their surprise, they were directed to a bus that would take them down to the waterfall. They asked how far it was, and it was just under 1 km – a distance they figured they could walk. They did, but the descent was steep enough that they both had some calf cramps when they reached the bottom!

At the bottom, they encountered a lady by an information board who informed them that if they wanted to take a walk, they should have taken their car to a more northern entrance. Entrance fees were already paid. Since they were there, they decided to explore before moving on, and they were glad they did. A kilometer-long wooden walkway was built between many levels of waterfalls and small streams, and they ended up strolling around for several hours. Incredibly beautiful, as always, it was a bit ear-splitting when they were close to the big waterfalls.

There was a slightly rainforest-like dampness in some parts of the route, with plenty of butterflies and fish. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any of the other animals that also call these parts home, like numerous smaller snakes! Aside from the unfortunate rule against swimming in the tempting clear water, it was a fantastic afternoon.

On the way back, they searched for support for the camping battery (they found a place they'll be visiting tomorrow) and shopped for dinner at a larger supermarket. As they headed back to the campsite, they caught the opening of the drawbridge leading to the island they were staying on. It was amusing to watch all the boats passing through. If they had known the timing, they might have chosen to spend that half-hour elsewhere! They wrapped up the day with a calm evening in the caravan.

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